

Our Catholic Identity

A Catholic college is 一个因共同的爱而团结在一起的社区对知识的热爱是全方位的. In love, 一所天主教学院致力于真理的事业,相信耶稣基督的话,在每一个知识领域发现真理的喜悦, “The truth will set you free.”

lpl下注邀请学生自由地寻找和发现真相, goodness, 万物之美被造物主之光所照亮. As a Catholic college, 唐纳利关注的是整个人 – academically, spiritually and socially – so that our students might become the best version of themselves; that is, 好叫他们成为圣徒.

在天主教大学,一切都是相互LPL外围网址的. 在今天的许多大学里,学生的学习课程在迷宫般的专业中支离破碎. 唐纳利学生参加a 全面统一的文科课程 在这里,他们可以探索各种感兴趣的领域.

Here, 信仰和理性就像两只翅膀,人类的精神可以借助它们飞向对真理的沉思. 每门课程自然都在课程表中 开启了人生的大问题; while courses in theology give students the opportunity to explore these questions in their infinite and mysterious depths through the light of revelation in Jesus Christ.


Ex Corde Ecclessiae

Benedictine Tradition


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Photo of Matthew T. Vander Vennet, Ph.D.

Matthew T. Vander Vennet, Ph.D.

Director of Mission & Assistant Professor of Theology